Thursday, October 3, 2013

30 Day blog Challenge- Day 1: Why Did I start a blog...

I haven't written in a while and I figured the best way to get my creative juices flowing would be a little exercise designed by the Suitcase Entrepreneur ( The Challenge for Day 1 is: "Write a post on why you started your blog, who you wanted to reach, what you wanted it to be all about. Then state why you joined this blog challenge and what you want to get out of it." So let's get started! 1. I started a blog because my life as a whole felt stale, boring, and unsatisfying. Pretty simple, right? Not in the least. Because of starting this blog, it originally shed a light on some of the aspects of my life that I had allowed to become stagnant. Not just the fun stuff, but the adult stuff that I had let fall by the wayside. And it was because of this blog that I actually changed so many aspects of my life. (ending a long term relationship, new job, some serious re-evaluating of my self, goals, plans, etc). 2. Who did I want to reach? EVERYONE!! Mwahahaha! The real goal was always to reach, meet(via interweb), and chat with like minded people who wanted to live their lives to the fullest extent of their capabilities. People who believe in making the most of NOW. Because tomorrow doesn't really exist. It is merely a manufactured idea to allow us as a society to put things off. And to be honest, I am just glad that anybody reads my blog! But, yeah, it is still "everyone". I wanted my blog to be about taking the "crazy", extraordinary things that we all planned to do, and doing them. One item at a time. 3. I joined this blog challenge because I need something to get my blogging ass back in gear. Check out the bliggity-blog as I post more of the Challenges! Love, Ruth

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Welcome Back to MEEEEEEE! Or why I haven't posted in almost a year

Helloooooooo! How have you been? I've missed this blog and posting more than I can possibly convey. So much has happened since my last post (JUNE of 2011! Almost a year), and I have so much to share with you. I've actually checked a few things off my list miraculously and even started on some new things! Over the next week I will try to reacquaint you with my special brand of crazy :-) Can't wait! Love, Ruth

Monday, June 20, 2011

# 12: Learn how to really dance

Or- "I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it"

Ok, this is a hard one to explain.  I can easily move to the beat of any song.  I look and feel comfortable dancing.  I can even Dougie.  But for my entire life, I've been obssesed with dance movies, from Jailhouse Rock to West Side Story to Step Up 1,2, and 3 (Don't judge me!!).  As a kid, and admittedly an adult, I'd put on MTV and BET and dance along with the videos.  Hell, my younger sisters still do it too.  And I think my love affair with all things dance and dance related needs to see the light of day.  I already dance like nobody's watching.  Now I need to learn how to dance like I have a clue about what I'm doing.

Now you may think my love of dance only extends to modern gyrations.  And although I do love gettin' down, I think it's important that I learn the classics too.  I want to salsa, merengue, waltz, swing, and cha cha with the best of them.  Or at least the best at the beginner 101 classes that I intend to take.  And yes, I intend to throw some hip hop, jazz, and maybe even some roller dance classes into the mix too. 

First up, I'm going to test out a class based soley on moves inspired by the King of Pop.  I mean, c'mon.  If I can moonwalk, I can do ANYTHING, right?

So, (in my Jerry Maguire voice) Who's coming with me?!?!

Michael Jackson still via Photobucket

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Anything you can do, I can do...ok?

 Or why I want to learn how to play the guitar, piano, and harmonica.  And ride a motorcycle

# 7 and #18 have been on my list of things to do for a REALLY long time.  Maybe since high school.  I just didn't know it.  I was too busy being completely enamored with boys who could do all of these things.  It wasn't until I was older (and more self aware) that I realized although the guys were hot, I was actually swooning over their talents and their motorcycles.  I mean how cool is it when someone actually knows what they are doing with a harmonica??  And a great motorcycle?  One of the most beautiful things to behold.  Plus, I think it is pretty cool when chicks have these talents.  Cooler still if I can master them!

 And for inspiration....


Harmonica photo via and Photo of Angelina Jolie via

I ran in the rain on Tuesday because it is one of my favorite things.  When I am running in a downpour I completely forget about negative spits, tempo runs, hell I don't even check the distance. I jump in puddles.  I catch raindrops in my mouth.  And I smile the entire time.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

#17- Do one thing a day that scares me

#17 is going to be a tough one.  It means pushing myself everyday to do something (big or small) outside of my comfort zone.  So today I tried tofu, or to be more specific, Kim Kim Tofu and Asparagus from Lithe Method.  I know to some people, this may seem a little silly.  C'mon, TOFU??  THAT'S what scares you, Ruth?  And the answer to this is, prior to today, tofu gave me the willies.  But I have seen the light!!  The Tofu was delicious, perfectly seasoned with a bit of kick at the end.

But the tofu was just a convenient segue to get me thinking about my number 17 and the creator of Lithe Method, and all it's delightful offspring, Lauren Boggi.  The Lithe Method Brand, (which started as a mad scientist-esque way of combining all of Lauren's favorite ways to push herself both mentally and physically), has morphed into this phenomenon that encompasses fitness, food, clothing, and so much more.  Did I mention she rolled out Lithe Foods while in her third trimester??

All of this was running through my head as I nibbled on my scrumptious snack.  I began to wonder to what extent am I truly pushing myself?  While I have no immediate plans to become an exercise guru or fitness mogul a la Lauren, I do have quite a few dreams that I have ignored.  While I don't want to believe it is fear keeping me from the things I want to do, I have to admit it is doubt that occasionally tosses me on the sidelines.  While I am a naturally outgoing person, I have stopped asking for the things I want and activities that I want to do.  Part of this is my way of "playing nice"- putting a group ahead of my own wants.  What can I say, I've played team sports my whole life!  But the downside is that my creative juices have been slowing down.  We're talkin' about molasses here folks.  Congealed cheez whiz.

So I'm going to spend the next week trying to get my scare on.  And NO, this does NOT include scary movies.  Some things just aren't meant to be overcome in this decade.

So what have you done to scare yourself lately?  How have you gotten out of your comfort zone?

Talk to you soon

Monday, May 30, 2011

Ruthie's Running Rules

Here's a set of my own personal rules that I've scrounge together from my own short experience running and getting ready for races

1. Use the bathroom before you leave your house.  Trust me.  Even if you don't have to "go", "go" anyway!!

2. On race day, when using a port-a-potty, DO NOT LOOK DOWN!!  I'm serious.  Unless you want to vomit/cry/pass out/be scarred for life, you'd be wise to stare at the walls.

3. There is a fine line between tying your shoes too tight and leaving them too loose.  I've yet to find my happy medium but I practice everyday like a good little runner

4. Set at least two alarms for race day.  And then don't freak out when you oversleep. 

5. Remember that running is fun.  You don't always need musical accompaniment.  I prefer to scare those around me by singing every now and again.

6. Everything will ache after a long race.  Even really weird muscles that you never use

I'm sure these will get longer as continue running, but for now these are my Golden Standard (ha!)

Am I missing anything crucial?  Let me know
